Press Releases

"I can eat Schnitzel again"
("Ich kann wieder Schnitzel essen")
Innovation. Ultra-short Implants - a chance for patients with week and thin jawbones
Ernst Mauritz, Kurier, November 18, 2013

The best specialists for teeth, skin and beauty
(Die besten Ärzte für Zähne, Haut und Beauty)
Christoph Bacher, Michael Sroka, Patrizia Steurer, NEWS, edition 46 2013, pages 86-92

The glass patient - lecture and live operation in connection with the OR at the AKH, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Ewers and Dr. Michael Truppe at the international symposium "Future of Research" in presence of the former President of Austria, Dr. Thomas Klestil
Radio Kulturhaus, Vienna
January 20 - 21, 1999

Viennese scientist developping a new kind of bone grafting material
(Wiener Wissenschaftler wollen neues Knochen-Ersatzmaterial entwickeln)
Boro Petric, derStandard - print edition, August 30, 1995