The CMF Advanced Training Center was set up in 2008 by Prof. Rolf Ewers and Dr. Hildegund Ewers and forms part of the CMF INSTITUTE VIENNA, which is used for seminars, training and continuing education in the area of oral and maxillofacial surgery as well as dentistry.
Size and infrastructure
Tables and seating for 35 attendees in the large lecture room
15 more participants in the small lecture room
1 large conference room (85 m²)
1 small lounge (25 m²)
4 toilets
Technical facilities
Live operation broadcasting facilities
Equipped for navigation surgery
Link to worldwide telemedicine communication resources
Video projector
Overhead projector
Projection screen
Collaboration with the Anatomical Institute, Vienna
The practical part of the advanced training seminars takes place in the Anatomical Institute of the Medical University of Vienna, Währingerstraße 13, 1090 Vienna. Seminar participants have the opportunity to put theory into practice and work directly on human cadavers.
The lecturer performs all the operations and dissections under operating microscope and provides a commentary. Each individual step is visibly and clearly demonstrated to course attendees using the latest camera technology and large screens. After each operating step has been demonstrated, two colleagues can reproduce it on the specimen in a hands-on way. In the tutor system, the course leaders are obviously available to answer any queries and provide guidance and tips. Our surveys have revealed that the cadaver courses are extremely well received by the course participants and they are much in demand.
If you have any further queries or would like to arrange a date to hire our facilities, please contact
Dr. med.univ. Hildegund Ewers
P: +43 1 4071222