Dysfunctions of the stomatognathic system (teeth, mouth and jaw system), including the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the muscles of mastication and the occlusion, are commonly encountered in our population.
According to large-scale statistics, 60-70% of adults experience subjective symptoms or have objective pathological clinical findings affecting the temporomandibular joints. Roughly a tenth of those affected consult a medical professional because of these problems.
In many cases, the dysfunctions of the TMJ – clicking, grating, blocks, often associated with pain in the joints, the ears and the masticatory muscles – can be conservatively treated. Physiotherapy, treatment with bite splints, acupuncture, medication and a few other forms of therapy are available to us.
If conservative methods do not achieve their objective, we now have minimally invasive surgical treatment options which have largely superseded open joint surgery.